All The Updates


Lately I’ve been all about changing and refreshing things.  Improving. Updating.

Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re on auto-pilot and they’re might be an easier or smarter way to do something.

> On the blogging & work front I have been exploring a lot of new ways to do things that I haven’t changed in yearrrrsss. This blog is 7 years old people! There are a lot of things on the backend that have changed in 7 years.

Specifically, both for this blog but also for my photography & social media clients, I’ve been trying to update the way I edit photos & also I’ve been trying a new social media tool. These are the 2 big areas that I’m changing all at once, which involves a lot of learning.

I’ll be honest. After The Blog Societies Conference I realized how much I actually really need to revisit a lot of things I have not stayed “updated” on.  In 2015 a lot of my extra focus was spent learning things more related to being a new parent, not as much tech, blogging and social media focused. Although let’s not forget I discovered podcasts in 2015 (hehe) so I actually did stay on top of a lot of industry info. I just didn’t necessarily have the time to implement a lot of new specific strategies.

Don’t you love how you can be scared to tackle a new way of doing things because it is annoying to have to learn a whole new system?  When in reality, a new system might actually save you time & make the end process better.  #TheStruggle. When you work for yourself, sometimes it can be hard to decide what you really need to spend time on, and what you need to just ignore and move on from.

That being said, it feels like a lot of the “work” I’m doing lately involves learning something new. figuring something out. watching a youtube video of someone explaining something …..

Oh yass.

Not the exciting creative work I usually like to focus on. Although I do kind of nerd out over these things (see this tweet LOL), but lately it has felt like I’m always learning something new instead of just doing the work. Hence why this week I’ve managed to get 2 blog posts up. TWO. #FAIL.

> On the home front I’ve been working on a couple of big projects. One is that we are getting all new outlets and switches for 3 rooms – stay tuned for a before and after on this one. (Thank you Adorne.) This has turned out to be a fun project but totally out of my normal realm of knowledge.

> And on the William front, he is now really really walking, which means …. he is now a tornado. For some reason this is not something I had really prepared myself for. Ha! It looks like someone just walked in my house and removed all the things from the cabinets and put them on the floor. (Someone did. His name is William.) Also our child care situation has shifted a bit so I do not have as many office hours as I did earlier this year. So a lot of my time working can be in the evenings. The evening used to be my most creative time of day, but now? Not so much.

So these are all the updates! I feel like I should be wrapping this blog post up with one big takeaway, but it’s not coming to me at the moment.  LOL.

Wait, perhaps the takeaway is to enjoy the process of learning new things, and conquering new chapters. Although let’s be honest, it’s nice to get to the other side of a learning curve and then get to enjoy the benefits!! Right?

 What is everyone up to this weekend?

Hi friends! I'm a Georgia based wife & mom. I started blogging in 2009 (!) and have covered a range of topics over the years, but in 2021 I am placing an emphasis on finding the good things to celebrate. In 2020 I think we have all learned to cherish time with family, enjoy the little things, and celebrate occasions big or small. I'll share special pieces I find that I believe can punctuate these days for the best. Reach out to me at if you'd like to get in touch! Thanks for stopping by! Take your shoes off and stay a while.

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