3 Reasons Why Your Pinterest Boards Are Totally Not Going To Waste

Keep pinning, girlfriend.

When pinterest first came out we were all like YAY LOOK AT ALL OF THESE IDEAS!! I CAN TOTALLY DO THIS AWESOME DIY projects for my house! Everything is going to be AWESOME!!

Then a few years went by, and many people realized the reality of the #pinterestfail, and also the pin-to-never-look-at-again fail. 

And of course that does happen, and in those cases maybe all you got was a big ole waste of time. But I’d like to argue today, just because this happens to be what’s on my mind, that in fact your awesomely curated pins are totally not going to waste.  So we can all feel good about spending time on this platform. ;)

3 Reasons Why Your Pinterest Boards Are SO Totally Not Going To Waste:

  1. Remember how you made that whole “dream house” board and then your apartment magically transformed overnight into looking exactly like said dream house? Me neither.  It’s ok. Rome was not built in a day. By saving inspiration here and there, it actually provides a broad landscape for what your #goals look like. Plus you can tell a LOT about your style preferences, and what you should be doing with your space. So later, when you run across that super fun leopard print rug that is 50% off, I recommend you do a quick stroll through your dream house board and see if that is actually a piece that could fit into some of these dream spaces. You might start to realize, hmmm .. even though this trendy rug is really cute, I really tend to be most inspired by more traditional spaces with rustic elements. Boom. You are now on your way to only curating things that are more in line with your actual real life #goals style. It’s easy to get distracted and it’s also common to like several different styles, but not realize you do prefer one a little more.
  2. Same thing goes for clothes – your pins can help you stay on track with what you buy. Sticking to a certain theme or vibe for each season can really help you not end up with a ton of stuff that doesn’t go together. I know someone who makes a new fashion board for specific trips she’s taking or even each new season, and then makes sure that anything she purchases fits in line with those pieces of inspiration. It’s such an easy way to have a barometer to scale something next to. Example: This army jacket is so cute and I just read that army jackets are supposed to be major for fall! Perfect!! *References fall board only to see big fur coats and belted trench coats.*  Oh wait, this is totally not the vibe that has really been inspiring me. Puts army jacket back. Crisis averted.
  3. Let’s just say one day, you end up purchasing a new house and are faced with lots of random remodeling decisions. (Raises hand in air. Can you tell why I’m writing this post now? lol.) A quick stroll through pins you’ve save for years and years can totally help you do a gut check when making these big decisions. Example: I need to pick a stain color for our floors to be refinished.  I was fairly certain I was leaning toward dark floors, but all it took was a quick stroll through my interiors board to realize, yep, for years and years literally tons of the things I’ve pinned always included dark floors. Phew. I feel much better about making this big decision that isn’t really un-doable.

Just a few thoughts for your day. 

Oh, and you can follow me on pinterest here. ;)  My favorite boards of my own are my Patriotic style board (if you need Memorial Day or July 4th outfit inspo which I’ll be updating with some fresh content soon) and my Macarons & Peonies board which is just fabulous eye candy. 

Thanks for stopping by! xo

image via here via pinterest of course 

Hi friends! I'm a Georgia based wife & mom. I started blogging in 2009 (!) and have covered a range of topics over the years, but in 2021 I am placing an emphasis on finding the good things to celebrate. In 2020 I think we have all learned to cherish time with family, enjoy the little things, and celebrate occasions big or small. I'll share special pieces I find that I believe can punctuate these days for the best. Reach out to me at tiffany@bloomstudiocreative.com if you'd like to get in touch! Thanks for stopping by! Take your shoes off and stay a while.

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  1. 5.5.17
    Doklist said:

    Thanks for sharing! I will use pinterest again :)

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